The Psychological Profile of a Paintballer

By Durty Dan -- Writer for Action Pursuit Games, Paintball Sports International, Paintball News, and Paintball Magazine.



Now, I am not a psychoanalyst. I have no formal training in how the human mind works. (Except for a Criminal Psychology course I took a few years ago.)

What I am is a person who has always been innately curious about why people do the things they do. It has been a lifetime hobby of mine.

In my Criminal Psych Course they taught us how the FBI complete psychological profiles on criminals they haven't even met. In all the cases, they have been ninety percent correct. They developed the system of profiling by interviewing convicted serial killers in order to establish the personality type that commits these types of crimes.

I've done the same thing. Although I didn't know it at the time. (Not with serial killers, silly -- with paintballers.) I feel I can now accurately profile a paintballer as I have literally talked to hundreds of them. So now I feel reasonably sure that my Paintballer Profile is accurate. (Besides, I know just enough of about psychology to be dangerous.)

Let me begin by describing what type of person DOES NOT play paintball. These people include, sociopaths, psychopaths and other pathologically effected individuals. Paintball is not 'real' enough for those who have severe behavioral defects. They go out and enact their fantasies in REAL LIFE, as frightening as that is. Paintball holds no thrill for them. (You have to realize that the rules in paintball are designed specifically so players DO NOT get hurt. This defeats the purpose for those with severe behavioral problems.) Therefore: the Game does not attract that segment of society. Neither does it cause, nor promote, that type of abhorrent behaviour in the rest of normally functioning members of society.

So what is the Paintball Profile? Well, we all realize that paintball is not for everybody. Some people have tried it, had fun, but simply stated, "It's not for me". This is because those particular people did not have the personality type, or the profile, that lent itself well to the Game.

Now, these are generalities and will not fit every individual player. For the most part, I feel that the following points apply to the vast majority.


Above all else, this profile is emotionally and mentally stable. They may not have the perfect life, but can handle adversity quite well. They are not devoid of the capacity to be effected by adversity, they are simply the type that will not allow this capacity to cripple them into inaction.


They are adaptable people who can react to any given situation. They may not chose the right way, but they are capable of making a decision. As I have learned in the military, being able to make a decision (even the wrong one) is better than not be able to make one at all.


This personality type is made up of aggressive people. Not in the negative manner, but in the positive application of aggression. (It does exist.) They will assert themselves in a manner that will achieve their goal, but not to the point where someone will get hurt. These are the people who are known for 'getting the job done'.


This profile will perform well under stressful situations. The proof of this is simple. Deep within your brain is the most primitive and ancient part of the human body. It controls what we know as the 'fight or flight' response. The really neat thing about this reaction is that it is automatic, and you have no control over it. It is a basic survival mechanism we required before our species developed the capability for abstract reasoning. This primitive core does not understand the difference between fantasy and reality. It access the 'threat' and reacts to it. You will either stand and fight, or curl up into a little ball. You can condition your responses to situations that the brain perceives as a threat. (However, those who do not have the natural tendency to fight will have to work harder at dealing with the stressor. They can master it, but it will take time and work.)


This profile also holds a great contradiction. They are fierce individualists who can easily group together and play as a cohesive unit. The miliary accomplishes this, but it takes a vast amount of training to accomplish it (I know, I've been there). This profile does everything they can to make themselves look unique. There is always at least one intentionally styled aspect of their overall appearance that sets them apart from the crowd. This same profile, however, readily becomes an intrinsic part of the team, willing to sacrifice some individual action and thought for the greater good of the group.

Paintball players don't seem so bad now, do they?


This article was printed from the "virtual book" Durty Dan's Paintball Information Services are free to use for webpages, school projects, reference and to promote paintball to players and the non-playing public. Credit for the source of the information should be included in the bibliography or references page.
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